Frequently Asked Questions
The Development of 'Mind, Body and Spirit' Through Martial Arts
Martial Arts are more than just exercise. They are primarily a form of self-defence and a great source from which to gain personal confidence.
Kickboxing can help you avoid threatening situations or enable you to effectively deal with them if unavoidable, being prepared can make all the difference.
Kickboxing also provides an excellent opportunity for social interaction in a fun and very exciting environment.
Kickboxing is one of the most popular styles of Martial Arts. It combines self-defence, aerobic workout, flexibility, coordination and speed. Kickboxing now attracts a very large female following, as women now assert not only their financial but also their physical independence, Martial Arts gives them the ability to defend themselves, their children and their property.
Kickboxing is suitable for men, women and children of all levels of fitness. People who practice kickboxing are those seeking to challenge themselves, find their limitations and develop beyond them whilst having a great deal of fun.
You may have tried every diet in the book, but most of us now understand that there’s no substitute for sensible eating and regular exercise. Martial arts programmes have been hugely successful in the last 20 years in helping men and women to lose weight and achieve their dream body shapes.
Classes begin with a thorough full-body stretch, once properly warmed up students learn basic kicks, punches and combinations. Attack and defence sequences with a partner and exercises follow this.
The classes are non-contact, so there is no risk of getting hurt and the sessions last approximately 1 hour. Separate classes are available for students who wish to spar and who are interested in competing.